How to Take Care of Your Porcelain Veneers

Dr. Baruch Tetri How to Take Care of Your Porcelain Veneers Board-certified periodontist October 18, 2023 Before After Everyone dreams of a beautiful smile. Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular dental procedures. However, simply getting ceramic dental build-ups is not enough. They require proper care. Read more to find out how you can […]
Do Veneers Hurt?

Dr. Baruch Tetri Do Veneers Hurt? Board-certified periodontist October 16, 2023 Veneers are widely recognized as an effective way to achieve a perfected smile by reshaping and resizing the teeth and eliminating stains. We know that you want to have beautiful, radiant teeth. Nevertheless, you might wonder – Does it hurt to get veneers placed? […]
What is the Role of an Endodontist?

Dr. Baruch Tetri What is the Role of an Endodontist? Board-certified periodontist September 28, 2023 If you come to a dentist’s appointment with a toothache, oftentimes you may be referred to an endodontist. Who is that? What is the role of an endodontist? An endodontist is a “tooth-saving specialist” who identifies the causes of dental […]
Worn Teeth

Dr. Baruch Tetri Worn Teeth Board-certified periodontist September 27, 2023 Have you noticed that your teeth are wearing down? This can lead to enamel erosion, sensitivity, and pain. Often, this is caused by temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. There are many methods to treat this issue, among which is neuromuscular dentistry. In this article, we will […]
What is the role of a Periodontist?

Dr. Baruch Tetri What is the role of a Periodontist? Board-certified periodontist September 26, 2023 According to statistics, 90-95% of the world’s population suffer from periodontal diseases. However, patients usually contemplate consulting a periodontist until they are referred to one. Many people are completely unaware of the role of this specialist. Who is a periodontist? […]
Tooth pain after root canal treatment

Dr. Baruch Tetri Tooth pain after root canal treatment Board-certified periodontist September 05, 2023 After undergoing root canal treatment, discomfort may occur. You may wonder – Is this normal? Should I urgently see a dentist? How many days does the pain last after the procedure? When is it necessary to see the dentist again? In […]
Jaw pain

Dr. Baruch Tetri Jaw pain Board-certified periodontist July 20, 2023 Jaw pain can range from mild to unbearable. It can be caused by dental issues or more serious conditions. Trying to figure out the exact cause of jaw pain on your own can be difficult, because it is not always a dental problem. Therefore, regardless […]
Implant rejection

Dr. Baruch Tetri Failed Dental Implant – Implant Rejection Board-certified periodontist June 30, 2023 Dental implant surgery is a highly predictable procedure, with a success rate as high as 97-99%. However, in 1-3% of cases, the implants may fail to integrate properly. How can you recognize the symptoms of implant rejection? Implant Rejection – What […]
Pain under crown

Dr. Baruch Tetri Tooth Pain Under The Crown Board-certified periodontist June 29, 2023 Why does the tooth hurt under the crown? Shouldn’t it strengthen and protect the tooth tissues? We often hear patients experience toothache after receiving prosthetics in other clinics. Discomfort can occur immediately after receiving prosthetics or a year after treatment – When […]
Are dental X-rays safe?

Dr. Baruch Tetri Are dental X-rays safe? Board-certified periodontist November 25, 2022 Let’s clear this up – YES, they are safe During the process of taking a dental X-ray, the dental hygienist is present in the room with the patient and does not wear any protective gear, which speaks to the safety of this procedure. […]