Dr. Baruch Tetri

Do Veneers Hurt?

Board-certified periodontist
October 16, 2023

Veneers are widely recognized as an effective way to achieve a perfected smile by reshaping and resizing the teeth and eliminating stains.

We know that you want to have beautiful, radiant teeth. Nevertheless, you might wonder – Does it hurt to get veneers placed?

Some patients with dental phobias or those who have previously endured painful dental procedures are afraid to get veneers. They perceive this operation to be painful and stressful.

In this article, we will help you answer these questions:
Dental veneers

Why Get Veneers?

Veneers are non-removable porcelain or composite plates designed for aesthetic dental restoration. They cover the front surface of the teeth, thereby altering their color, shape, and creating the “Hollywood Smile”.

Discolored teeth

Minor bite misalignments

Gaps/spaces between teeth

Increased wear and tear

Enamel hypoplasia

Doctor's Opinion

Many people ask: Which is better, composite or porcelain veneers?

Composite restorations are a good choice if you’re looking for a quick fix to your aesthetic issues. If the goal is to achieve a high quality transformation that will last you for many years, then porcelain veneers are your best bet. Compared to composite, porcelain veneers are more aesthetically pleasing, durable, and less prone to chipping.

Does It Hurt To Get Veneers Placed?

The fixation of veneers is a quick, painless process that occurs in three stages:

The doctor assesses the condition of the oral cavity, facial muscle tone, and jaw movements. Afterward, they discuss with the patient which teeth require the placement of restoration overlays and create a 3D design for the future smile. Typically, the examination and X-rays do not cause discomfort.

The dentist gently trims the enamel of the teeth where the veneers will be placed, removing approximately 0.2-0.3 mm. In complex clinical cases (for example, in patients with high sensitivity), intravenous sedation may be used to eliminate any pain. At the end of this stage, the dentist takes a digital impression using an intraoral scanner and installs temporary restorations.

The dentist cleans the oral cavity, makes adjustments, and secures the permanent porcelain veneers with dental cement. During this stage, the patient only feels a bit of pressure.

Doctor's Opinion

Why is it better to perform tooth restoration under a microscope?

Fixing restorations under a microscope ensures an aesthetic outcome, excellent fit without gaps, and the absence of soft tissue inflammation.

Veneer Placement - Example

Patien 18

This is a case of a patient who had veneers placed at another clinic. In this instance, the veneers caused pain due to the mishandling of the installation technique in the other clinic.

After a thorough diagnosis, Dr. Tetri, a board-certified periodontist, performed gum surgery on the patient. The result in the second photo depicts healthy gums and beautiful gum contour. The patient is no longer experiencing any pain.

What Can I Expect To Feel After The Procedure?

In the first 10-20 hours after installation, you may experience slight discomfort when consuming hot, cold, or acidic foods.
During the first few days, it takes time to get accustomed to the sensation of veneers on your teeth. Following all of the doctor’s recommendations will help alleviate the discomfort more quickly.

Standard Care Recommendations:

Come in for a consultation, and our specialists will answer all your questions! Additionally, we recommend checking out the example cases of the work we do at Tetri’s Smile Dental Boutique.