Smile Gallery

Patient 1
Patient came in experiencing headaches, jaw pain, and neck pain. During the examination, it was determined that teeth grinding caused the pain.
As a result, her teeth were slowly shortening and her face structure changed. Aside from the obvious cosmetic issue, the patient mentioned that the migraines were getting worse
The patient’s teeth were restored to their natural size to help with her bite, the jaw was repositioned with a neuromuscular treatment, and new veneers were placed on each of her teeth. Finally, the pain is gone. Another case is complete!
Achieving these results is only possible by utilizing the neuromuscular philosophy, a core tenet here at Tetri’s Smile.

Patient 2
The patient had pronounced signs of aging, and was missing definition on her lower jawline. The lower third of the face had collapsed, alongside pronounced nasolabial folds, collapsed lips, a double chin, and thinning of the lips at the corners of the mouth (as a result of bite collapse).
Treatment:Dr. Tetri conducted comprehensive diagnostics and calculations to restore the height of the teeth and find the correct neuromuscular position of the jaw. This new positioning of the jaw restored the natural appearance and size of the face. We offer Tetri’s Face Lift by fixing your teeth. The photo on the right depicts extreme changes in facial structure, making the patient appear 15 years younger.

Patient 3

Patient 4

Patient 5

Patient 6

Patient 7

Patient 8

Patient 9
Patient 10

Patient 11
This patient came to our clinic simply because she wanted to replace several loose crowns on the implants of the upper jaw.
What was done:
Because of his experience in gneuromuscular dentistry, Dr. Tetri realized that there was more that lied underneath the aesthetic problems of the patient’s teeth. He performed GNM diagnostics: EMG, ESG, and TENS. A bite anomaly was detected, which led to loose crowns and caused hypertonicity of facial muscles and frequent headaches (the patient was unaware that her migraines were related to improper occlusion).
Dr. Tetri suggested not just replacing old crowns but solving the problem of improper occlusion, hence eliminating its consequences.
A 3D model of the correct bite was designed in a special computer program. Then, all the teeth on the upper jaw were removed. Six implants were installed, in addition to four already in place. A full denture with ceramic crowns was fixed onto them. A full ceramic denture was installed on the teeth of the lower jaw.
The result:
This patient was able to walk out with a beautiful smile and a healthy bite, in addition to the no longer excruciating headaches and migraines.

Patient 12
Dr. Tetri was already familiar with the patient mentioned further. Years ago, she came in with a broken bridge and a chipped tooth. He extracted several destroyed teeth from the lower jaw after poor root canal treatment at another clinic. Then, he restored them with the installation of ceramic crowns on her implants.
The patient asked for help again due to newly damaged teeth. Given her negative experience with other clinics, she decided to go directly to Dr. Tetri. After an in-depth GNM diagnosis, Dr. Tetri suggested a comprehensive treatment involving the restoration of the correct bite.
The treatment plan included visits to clinics in both Miami and New York. It wasn’t an easy decision to make. But it all became clear after Dr. Tetri showed what her smile would look like after treatment. She had no words — she couldn’t even imagine that she could have such beautiful teeth, a snow-white smile, and a face with more expressive features. This was the decisive factor. She had no doubts: she wanted to be treated only by Dr. Tetri and was willing to fly to Miami several times from New York.
What was done:
The entire treatment required three visits to the clinic (from April to July).
On her first visit, Dr. Sayin re-treated 6 teeth that had been treated poorly years ago. That same day, Galina (the patient) was fitted with beautiful temporary crowns, which she walked around with for several months.
During the second visit, the temporary crowns were removed so that Dr. Sayin could treat the other 12 teeth. At the same time, Dr. Tetri took digital impressions for permanent crowns. The crowns were ready before the patient came in for her third visit.
The day finally came when she had her entire upper jaw restored with permanent ceramic crowns supported by her natural teeth, and her lower jaw restored with implant crowns on her natural teeth.
The result:
Galina (the patient) was insanely happy and couldn’t stop thanking Dr. Tetri for her white, healthy smile. The results she saw overwhelmed her with positive emotions. The friendly atmosphere at the clinic and the beautiful beaches of Miami made the patient feel like she was on vacation.

Patient 13
The patient’s crowns often cracked and had to be replaced all the time. He also suffered from frequent headaches and stiffness in the neck movement. After being diagnosed according to GNM standards, Dr. Tetri identified bruxism.
Dr. Tetri performed a full mouth reconstruction on both jaws. Zirconia crowns with ceramic laminate were placed. The correct symmetry of the face was restored. The smile became wider, more beautiful. The correct bite returned; bruxism was eliminated.

Patient 14
This patient was dissatisfied with the old dentures on the upper and lower jaw. He heard about Dr. Tetri from his general dentist. He was advised to have his teeth treated in Miami.
What was done:
Dr. Tetri performed a complete reconstruction of the mouth on the upper and lower jaw. After the bone graft, multiple dental implants were placed. A fully fixed denture was placed the day after implantation.
The result:
The patient was pleased with his new teeth. Dr. Tetri restored the correct bite. The smile became wider and more beautiful, facial wrinkles were smoothed out, and symmetry was restored.

Patient 15
This patient suffered for many years from damaged teeth after poor treatment at other clinics. His wife had her teeth treated by Dr. Tetri and recommended him to do the same. This patient was missing a lot of teeth, and the rest had chipped and developed deep cavities (non-treatable). He had implants placed, but bone loss has already begun. The treatment plan included a 1-day flight from New York to Miami for dental restoration. Dr. Tetri showed him a preview of the treatment results using Digital Smile Design.
What was done:
A decision was made to remove all the teeth, for they could not be saved. The progressive periodontal disease began, and the jawbone atrophied.
Dr. Tetri extracted the decayed teeth. He placed multiple dental implants on the upper and lower jaw. He placed a fixed denture on the implants. The patient left the same day with a new set of teeth on the upper and lower jaw.
The result:
The patient gained a beautiful smile, alongside the correct bite. He is no longer afraid to go to the dentist for checkups and professional oral hygiene. Dr. Tetri stopped the progression of bone atrophy.

Patient 16
This patient was missing several lower posterior teeth (on the left side) and was unhappy with her smile. She was looking for a specialist she could trust to treat her teeth. Dr. Tetri was the right choice!
The results of the CT scan indicated the need for extensive bone augmentation. Dr. Tetri performed bone grafting. At the end of the rehabilitation period, he placed implants. At the end of the osseointegration period, he fixed aesthetic ceramic crowns on the implants and placed veneers on the front teeth in the smile zone.
The result was a snow-white smile the patient was delighted with.

Patient 17
This patient came to the clinic with very problematic teeth on the lower jaw. All the root canals had been treated several times, but the infection kept coming back. All the teeth on the upper jaw were missing. The patient was eager to get rid of the uncomfortable removable upper denture and get a beautiful smile.
Since the lower teeth could not be saved, Dr. Tetri decided to remove them. Within one day, 7 implants were placed on the lower jaw using All-on-X, and 9 implants were placed on the upper jaw. The implants were replaced with fixed overdentures with ceramic crowns.
The photos (taken in 2018) show how the smile has changed. In the summer of 2022, the patient came to the clinic for a preventive check-up – no complications or anomalies, her implants and crowns are holding well.

Patient 18

Patient 19
The patient came to us with no teeth on the upper jaw. She was wearing a removable denture, couldn’t chew food properly, and was tired of the ongoing pain caused by the denture chafing her gums. She experienced psychological discomfort due to the changes in her appearance: pronounced wrinkles, sunken lips, and protruded lower chin.
The patient dreamed of leaving it all behind as soon as possible. She read a lot of reviews about implantologists in Florida and decided to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tetri – the best full mouth reconstruction specialist in the United States.
Dr. Tetri was able to do in one day what other clinics do in weeks. While the patient was resting after getting 6 implants, a robot milled new teeth in the in-house dental laboratory using the PIC system.
Thanks to Dr. Tetri, what seemed like a pipe dream became a reality. The patient is now in love with her beautiful smile. She is delighted with the rejuvenating effect after a full mouth reconstruction and enjoys her favorite foods again.

Patient 20
This patient came to us in hopes of enhancing her smile. Over the years, she’s had crowns & fillings installed. After a detailed observation, it was recommended the patient undergo a full mouth restoration to achieve the desired results. However, her fear of the dentist prevented her from moving forward with this treatment. The patient decided to start off with only getting veneers installed on the upper front of her teeth. After seeing the finished work, the patient was so thrilled at how fast and painless the procedure was. Now, she can’t wait to see the results after full treatment!

Patient 21
This patient came to the clinic with a toothache. The clinic where she had her implants and bridges done made a mistake. The implants had loosened due to severe bone loss (see a picture of the lower jaw). All her teeth were in pain when chewing and brushing.
The woman knew about the treatment approach at Dr. Tetri’s clinic. She made an appointment for a consultation and diagnosis. Using x-rays, Dr. Tetri pointed out problems with her teeth and bone tissue. He showed her what her new smile would look like.
What was done:
It was decided that she would undergo a full mouth reconstruction. Major surgery and bone grafting were required. The treatment lasted 1 year.
Four implants were removed from the lower jaw. Bone augmentation was performed. Five implants were placed in the masticatory areas.
The teeth on the upper jaw were affected by an infection. The bone under the bridges had receded. There was an advanced form of periodontal disease. All her upper teeth had to be extracted. A sinus lift was performed. Seven implants were placed with a full fixed denture.
After the treatment, her bite was improved, and her face was rejuvenated. The patient was pleased with her beautiful smile.

Patient 22
This patient did not like the way her smile looked, so she decided to visit the clinic to achieve a perfect Hollywood smile with veneers.
Dr. Tetri performed a comprehensive examination and found crowded upper teeth and malocclusion. Before veneers could be placed, orthodontic treatment was needed to restore the correct occlusion. A 3D scan was taken and a model of the future smile was created. The patient wanted to begin treatment as soon as possible.
What was done:
Dr. Svitlana Koval started the orthodontic treatment using Invisalign aligners. The patient received a set of aligners. After 3-4 weeks of treatment, Dr. Koval used a piezo-surgical approach to speed up the treatment. At check-ups, she corrected the position of the teeth and adjusted the fixation of the brackets. The treatment with Invisalign aligners was completed in 7-8 months.
Dr. Tetri moved on to prosthodontics after orthodontic treatment. The oral cavity was scanned again, and temporary veneers were placed. At the end of the treatment, porcelain veneers were placed on the front teeth, and crowns were placed on the molars. A total of 28 teeth were treated: 14 in the upper jaw and 14 in the lower jaw.
The result:
The treatment resulted in the patient achieving the perfect occlusion and proportional teeth. She now has the correct proportions of the upper and lower jaws. All corners and dimples are harmonious, without crowding, and everything is symmetrical.

Patient 23
This patient came in looking to fix her bite with Invisalign aligners, complaining to Dr. Tetri of severe headaches and discomfort due to malocclusion.
Dr. Tetri performed a thorough diagnosis using JVA (Join Vibrant Analysis). He discovered rare pathologies – an open occlusion and a hyperfunctional occlusion due to the incorrect positioning of a tooth in the lower jaw. He referred the patient to Dr. Svitlana Koval to restore the correct occlusion.
What was done:
Dr. Svitlana Koval began treatment with Invisalign aligners. She used a 3D model of the patient’s jaw to show how the teeth would change position. She prepared a set of custom aligners and explained the principle of orthodontic treatment. The treatment consisted of several stages, each followed by a check-up at the clinic. It took 12 months to correct the position of the lower teeth and the open occlusion.
The result:
Dr. Svitlana Koval was able to achieve a perfect jaw position and symmetry of the teeth. The patient can close her jaws normally thanks to the correct contact of the teeth. All smile lines are perfect.
The patient enjoyed the clinic’s approach and atmosphere. She wanted to continue her treatment with Dr. Tetri. It was decided to place a retainer on her teeth to prepare her for the next step – implants and prosthetics.

Patient 24
This patient came to Dr. Tetri complaining of persistent, severe headaches. Several bridges in her upper and lower jaw caused problems with her bite. The upper lip was receding, and the face appeared asymmetrical.
Dr. Tetri’s years of experience in gneuromuscular dentistry allowed for him to immediately diagnose a malocclusion with TMJ dysfunction. The facial muscles were not functioning properly, which caused the patient to suffer from migraines. Her gums were severely inflamed and bled due to irregularly shaped crowns.
During her first visit, Dr. Tetri – a board-certified periodontist – began treatment by removing all restorations and performing gum surgery to reduce inflammation.
During her next two visits, Dr. Sayin – a board-certified endodontist – re-treated several root canals.
By her third visit, Tetri’s Smile™ Digital Smile Design was complete. Using Dr. Tetri’s proprietary method, a visualization of the shape of the teeth, lips, face and smile line was modeled in a computer program. Temporary crowns were placed, and the patient had to wear them for six months while her TMJ and chewing muscles regained proper functionality.
In the final stage, Dr. Tetri placed permanent ceramic crowns.
The result:
Facial symmetry was restored. One month after the permanent crowns were placed, her migraines completely disappeared. Our patient was very pleased with her brand new snow-white smile.

Patient 25

Patient 26
This patient came in with chewing problems due to malocclusion. Their teeth were severely chipped due to bruxism, and they did not like the aesthetics of their smile. They already had six implants in the lower jaw and two in the upper jaw.
Dr. Tetri performed a full mouth rehabilitation in one day. First, Tetri’s Smile™ Digital Smile Design was prepared. This unique service helps the patient visualize their new smile and even try on their new teeth before the start of this life-changing treatment. The patient was satisfied and excited to see the future results. Our unique and compherehnize approach helped eliminate any fear or uncertainty.
The treatment began with the removal of all restorations. Dr. Tetri extracted teeth with root canal infections that were not to be treated. He then performed bone grafting to place implants in their place.
Dr. Tetri was able to keep the old implants to reduce the cost of the treatment. He adapted the abutments to them. Temporary crowns were placed while Dr. Tetri relaxed the facial muscles and got them to work properly. A few months later, he placed permanent ceramic crowns.
The result:
The occlusion was fixed, and the patient was able to chew food properly. The correct smile line visually rejuvenated the face. The patient went home happy with a snow-white smile.

Patient 27
This patient flew in from New York. She was missing all her teeth in her upper jaw and only had a few teeth left on her lower jaw. The bone had atrophied due to the long use of removable dentures. The dentures would not hold and would fall out. Dr. Tetri suggested a full mouth reconstruction with All-on-6 / All-on-X. However, the patient was not ready for the treatment and decided to postpone it.
For another two years, she endured all the inconveniences of removable dentures. The last straw was a badly damaged tooth. She immediately remembered Dr. Tetri and his unique approach that she had noticed at her first meeting with him. She flew back to Miami to seek Dr. Tetri’s help, realizing that her case was quite complicated.
Dr. Tetri performed a full mouth reconstruction in one day. The lower jaw was restored with 6 implants (All-on-6), and the upper jaw was restored with seven implants. Using a unique PIC technology, Dr. Tetri created a digital model of the jaw and determined the best locations for the implants. The new teeth were prepared in Tetri’s Smile dental laboratory, with up to 5 microns in accuracy.
The result:
The patient could not believe how her new teeth looked and felt. She was so happy to have a new smile. With tears of joy, she thanked Dr. Tetri for restoring her teeth.

Patient 28
This patient came to the clinic complaining of headaches and pain while chewing. She was also concerned about problems with the aesthetics of her face, especially regarding the complete collapse of the front part of her face due to an incorrect bite.
Dr. TETRI and Dr. KOVAL performed the treatment. In the first stage, Dr. KOVAL conducted orthodontic treatment. Then, Dr. TETRI performed a full mouth reconstruction using the principles of gneuromuscular dentistry and the unique Digital Smile Design technology, which allowed for the patient to visualize her smile before treatment even began.
During treatment, the bite was raised, cosmetic gum surgery was performed, and veneers were placed.
The result:
After 7 months, the final results were visible. The profile of the face was radically changed, its correct proportions were restored, and the smile appeared natural, brighter, and 10-15 years younger.

Patient 29
This patient had pronounced signs of aging, altered proportions in the lower part of the face, and a gummy smile.
Before starting the treatment, we used Digital Smile Design to help the patient visualize how their new smile would look like. This helpful and unique technology is not available in most clinics. It guarantees that the results will be exactly what you expect. Dr. TETRI performed cosmetic gum surgery to solve the problem with the gummy smile and conducted full mouth rehabilitation using implants and veneers.
The result:
The gums are now in an ideal position. The lower third of the face is more proportional (according to the principle of the golden ratio). The installed crowns and veneers look like the patient’s own teeth. The treatment had an immediate impact on the beauty of the smile and the patient’s confidence.

Patient 30
This patient came to Dr. Tetri upon the recommendation of her friends. She was dissatisfied with her smile, and her teeth were in poor condition. The photos taken before the treatment depict a misalignment of the position and size of the teeth relative to the gums. The teeth were also showing signs of premature aging – in this case, it was related to the overstrain of facial muscles due to bruxism and incorrect jaw position.
What was done:
Dr. Tetri conducted neuromuscular diagnostics to create a Smile Design. Thanks to this, the correct shape and size of the teeth and the proper neuromuscular position of the jaw were determined. The restoration of the tooth size and position had a strong impact on the face – look at the photos before and after the treatment. The face became more elongated, wrinkles reduced, and the smile became confident and cheerful.
Eight implants were installed with bone grafting, as well as soft tissue transplantation to create favorable conditions for implantation. Surgical gum and bone reconstruction was also performed before placing temporary teeth. The dental prosthetics were constructed with an artistic approach, by our ceramist.
Another satisfied patient. The teeth match her facial shape, color, and form are in line with the Golden Standards. We restored the face to its natural appearance and size. Neuromuscular dentistry is truly anti-aging dentistry.

Patient 31
This patient came to the clinic with pathologically increased tooth wear. The bite was significantly altered, and there was a deformation of the lower jaw.
The patient’s medical history included:
- Migraines
- Muscle spasms between the shoulder blades
- Pain in the temple area
- Rapid fatigue of facial muscles while chewing solid food
- Nighttime snoring
The following procedures were performed:
Dr. Tetri conducted a diagnosis based on the principles of gnathomuscular dentistry. He calculated the deviation of the lower jaw position using his own methodology, and created a digital smile design.
A full mouth rehab was carried out, with several implants placed to replace completely worn-down molar teeth. The correct position of the lower jaw was restored, and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint was eliminated. Highly aesthetic ceramic restorations made from bleached feldspathic material were placed.
The patient was delighted with her new smile. The bite restoration rejuvenated her face, and her headaches and snoring disappeared. The outcome exceeded her expectations.

Patient 32
This patient had a long history with removable dentures, and it got to the point where the bone on both jaws almost completely disappeared. The photo depicts shrinkage of the face on the lower third half, missing teeth, prominence of the chin, deep wrinkles around eyes, prominent nasolabial folds, and lack of definition of the lower jaw line.
What was done:
The patient had 12 implants placed, with advanced soft tissue grafting and immediate loading. The focus of the case was directed to complete reconstruction of the collapsed lower third of the face.
The complicated treatment included many steps. We needed to reconstruct the teeth taking into account almost every single muscle of the face. This was done with prostheses.
The face looks much younger, and the wrinkles have a smoother appearance. This is what we call the “Tetri’s Face Lift”. Proportions of the lower third of the face have been restored due to the correct positioning of the lower jaw. Most importantly, dental chewing function and a perfect smile have been fully restored.

Patient 33
This patient came in complaining about the condition of her teeth. She was dissatisfied with how her teeth were aligned and wanted to improve the overall appearance of her smile. After a thorough examination, the doctor diagnosed a crossbite on both sides. Without orthodontic treatment, the results would nothave been long-lasting. There were significant gaps between the teeth, missing posterior molars, and other teeth had shifted significantly.
The doctor explained to the patient why the immediate placement of implants and prosthetics was not possible. The teeth were severely misaligned and occupied space, so treatment began with repositioning the jaws.
Dr. Koval fitted an appliance to expand the upper jaw and made Piezosurgical incisions to expedite the treatment process. Then, braces were installed on both jaws.
All interdental gaps were closed and the crossbite was corrected. Space for the new teeth in the upper and lower jaws was restored. In less than a year, the patient achieved a stunning new smile. She is now continuing treatment with Dr. Tetri with veneer and crown placement.

Patient 34
This 16-year-old patient is currently undergoing treatment with Dr. Koval. The teeth on the lower jaw had not come out properly. Though fully formed, they were reluctant to come out.
The doctor conducted a comprehensive diagnosis of the dental and jaw system. Dr. Tetri removed the wisdom tooth buds, and two months later, the teeth began to erupt. Subsequently, Dr. Koval initiated treatment with Invisalign aligners.
A correction of the deep bite and the crossbite in the lateral areas was achieved. This includes the improvement of the posterior position of the lower jaw. The patient is still in the process of treatment with Dr. Koval, but it is already evident how significantly the position of the dental arch and the facial appearance have changed. Early wisdom tooth removal has triggered eruption of the second molars.

Patient 35
Doctor Koval treated this young patient’s bite problem. The issue was a severe crossbite that led to facial asymmetry, alongside difficulties with tooth eruption. The upper jaw was restricted in its development due to the improper position of the lower jaw.
Doctor Koval fitted an expansion device to the upper jaw and permanent teeth began to emerge soon after. The jaw expanded rapidly.
The bite was corrected on both sides in just 3 weeks. Proper tooth alignment and facial symmetry was achieved.

Patient 36
This patient came in with multiple gaps between the teeth. Upon examination, issues with the bite and facial symmetry were identified.
Invisalign systems were installed on both jaws. Piezosurgical treatment was performed to expedite bite correction. The patient regularly attended follow-up examinations, leading to a swift correction of the bite.
The treatment lasted for 6 months. During this time, the smile underwent a complete transformation. Gaps between the teeth disappeared, and the jaws achieved the correct position. The patient was happy with his perfect smile and brought his wife in for dental treatment as well.

Patient 37
This patient came to the clinic with a complaint that the prosthetics installed in another clinic were deteriorating. She was concerned about the condition of her gums. Her smile displayed incorrect tooth alignment. This had a strong effect on her facial appearance, making her appear older, with wrinkles around her cheeks and chin.
Dr. Tetri conducted smile design after examination, demonstrating how the teeth would look after correcting the proportions. He created a model of a new bite and face, and conducted X-rays and computer tomography of the jaws. It was decided to perform all-on-x tooth implantation on both jaws. During the treatment, damaged teeth were removed. The doctor placed implants on the upper and lower jaws and fixed complete non-removable zirconium prosthetics on them.
The patient’s bite improved, and her smile completely transformed. Her teeth were straight, with the proper proportions, and she was thrilled with their radiant glow. During the treatment, the doctor performed gingivoplasty, so the patient did not feel like there were any prosthetics. The gums fit tightly against the teeth and look natural.

Patient 38
This patient was dissatisfied with her smile and the position of her teeth. Due to an incorrect bite, her teeth had started to wear down and deteriorate. Wrinkles had appeared on her face, and when she smiled, only the upper row was visible.
The doctor conducted a Full Mouth Reconstruction to restore the damaged teeth. Dr. Tetri calculated how the upper and lower jaws should align and restored the lower dental arch. He placed zirconium restorations.
The patient did not expect that her new teeth would rejuvenate her face so significantly. The cosmetic effect was perfect – wrinkles disappeared, and the lower jaw took the correct position. All teeth were in their places and would no longer wear out abnormally.

Patient 39
This patient sought help from the doctor to address the issue of tooth wear. He had bruxism, and due to constant grinding, his front teeth were chipping.
Dr. Tetri conducted a computer tomography and recommended a full mouth reconstruction. It was crucial to correct the bite and the position of the teeth. The doctor completely restored the damaged teeth, placed prostheses on implants, and then restored all teeth with zirconium prostheses.
The patient couldn’t stop admiring his new teeth. Everything was new – the bite, shape, and color. The doctor tried to make the new teeth look as natural as possible. He also worked on the gums to create a natural effect.