Porcelain Veneers

A comprehensive approach to porcelain veneers at Tetri’s Smile. We create a “Hollywood smile” and solve the underlying causes of dental problems. The author of our patients’ beautiful smiles is Dr. Tetri, a professional in several fields: certified dental technician, periodontist, prosthodontist, implantologist, and a gneuromuscular dentist.

By scheduling an appointment with us,  you choose high quality treatment in a premium clinic and the best dentist — assistant professor Dr. Tetri.

Porcelain Veneers Before & After

Before After Patien 16 beforePatien 16 after
Before After Patien 20 beforePatien 20 after
Before After Patient 22 beforePatient 22 after
Before After pacient 25 beforepacient 25 after
Before After Patient 28 beforePatient 28 after
Before After pacient 29 beforepacient 29 after

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain (Ceramic) Veneers – these are thin ceramic dental build-ups that are glued to the front surface of your teeth to make them look perfect. Defects that can be removed are:

  • wide interdental gaps
  • blackened fillings on the front side of the front teeth (those visible when you smile)
  • worn out teeth
  • a “gummy smile” (when gums are exposed more than 2 mm when smiling).
Porcelain Veneers
Dr. Tetri

My goal is to give people more than they expect, and this applies to veneers too.

I will prefer a minimally invasive approach to dental treatment. I mill a tooth to a thickness of 0.1 mm or more. It’s like the thickness of a contact lens for the eyes.

This method allows for avoiding hypersensitivity and extends the life of veneers for years to come.

I offer to my patients purely ceramic or feldspar veneers.”

Dr. Tetri

Porcelain Veneers Cost

Installation of one ceramic veneer
from $1.800
Installation of one feldspar ceramic veneer
from $1.200

Porcelain Veneers – Before & After

Patient 22

Patient 22

This patient did not like the way her smile looked, so she decided to visit the clinic to achieve a perfect Hollywood smile with porcelain (ceramic) veneers.

Dr. Tetri moved on to prosthodontics after orthodontic treatment. The oral cavity was scanned again, and temporary veneers were placed. At the end of the treatment, porcelain veneers were placed on the front teeth, and crowns were placed on the molars. A total of 28 teeth were treated: 14 in the upper jaw and 14 in the lower jaw.

Patien 16

Patient 16

This patient was missing several lower posterior teeth (on the left side) and was unhappy with her smile.

The results of the CT scan indicated the need for extensive bone augmentation. Dr. Tetri performed bone grafting. At the end of the rehabilitation period, he placed implants. At the end of the osseointegration period, he fixed aesthetic ceramic crowns on the implants and placed porcelain veneers on the front teeth in the smile zone. 

The result was a snow-white smile the patient was delighted with

Patient 1

The problem: Worn-out teeth, pain in the jaw and neck, teeth grinding.

What we did: We repositioned the jaw with GNM (neuromuscular dentistry) and restored the teeth to their natural size.

The result: A beautiful and healthy smile. The pain is gone – another patient happy with their smile!

Patien 18

Patient 18

This patient came to Dr. Tetri and complained of severely inflamed gums after she had porcelain veneers placed at another clinic several months ago.

At the clinic where she had her dental veneers placed, the doctors could not help her. Other clinics did not dare to take on the treatment either. The patient was discouraged. She lucked out when one doctor recommended Tetri’s Smile and assured her they would help her.

Dr. Tetri is a board-certified periodontist and often has to redo the work of others. He performed gum plastic surgery. The inflammation was gone, and the edge of the gum became aesthetically pleasing. The smile was transformed.

A smart approach to porcelain veneers at Tetri’s Smile

1. Finding the underlying causes of dental aesthetic problems — Gneuromuscular Dentistry

Dr. Tetri first performs a GNM examination (he is one of the few specialists in Florida who is trained in gneuromuscular dentistry), to see if the patient’s bite needs to be changed. Dr. Tetri not only conceals aesthetic defects of the teeth with veneers, but also finds and eliminates their causes.

Gneuromuscular Dentistry
2. Installation of veneers under a microscope

Dr. Tetri uses a dental microscope to install esthetic veneers. This approach guarantees a perfect fit of dental build-ups to the gums, eliminating the risk of inflammation.

dental microscope

Porcelain Veneer Procedure

It takes three visits to have veneers installed at Tetri’s Smile Dental Boutique.

If a clinic offers you a snow-white smile in two visits, that does not include the diagnostics stage.


The patient undergoes a comprehensive diagnosis of the dento-alveolar system using K7 EVALUATION SYSTEM:

  • we evaluate the movement of the jaws when chewing, swallowing, and opening/closing the mouth
  • we analyze the condition of the temporomandibular joint
  • we examine the tone of facial muscles at rest and during work.

We then make a decision on how many teeth need to have veneers installed, and whether it is necessary to correct the bite beforehand.

GNM diagnostics

Digital Smile Design

A special computer program creates a 3D model of the patient’s dento-alveolar system. Dr. Tetri shows the patient the causes of dental problems identified during the examination and discusses options for their rectification. The patient can see their future smile before treatment even begins.

Digital Smile Design

Periodontal preparation
We clean the surface of the teeth of bacterial/pigmented plaque. We remove dental plaque in the gum area. We perform a gingival plasty, if necessary.

It is impossible to select the correct ledge height for enamel resurfacing without periodontal preparation. If the ledge is too low, you can develop gum recession.

Preparation of enamel
The enamel is resurfaced under local anesthesia (up to 0.5 mm) from the teeth where the porcelain veneers are to be placed.

Taking an impression
A digital impression is taken and sent to the dental laboratory for the fabrication of the esthetic veneers with the Sirona Primescan intraoral scanner.

Temporary build-ups
Temporary build-ups are placed on the resurfaced teeth while ceramic feldspar veneers are being made.

Installation of dental veneers

Ceramic veneers are fixed under the microscope, and you are now ready for your photo shoot. Your smile looks like that of celebrities, many of whom also come to us for treatment.

Veneer care

Take proper care of your teeth and gums

Brush twice a day with a low-abrasive toothpaste. Use a string of floss to clean between your teeth.

Come in for professional oral hygiene once every 4 months

Even with thorough brushing, bacterial plaque can build up on the teeth, and tartar can be deposited in the gum area. This can only be removed in the clinic.

Don’t bite hard objects

Ceramic veneers are not repairable. The build-up will have to be replaced with a new one if it chips or a crack appears.

Quit smoking

(or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day as much as possible). Nicotine negatively affects gum health, increasing the risk of recession.


How many teeth can I have veneers put on?

There is no limit. As a rule, we put 6 or 10 on the upper/lower teeth. It is not recommended to install veneers on molars — they will not withstand the load of chewing.

How long do ceramic veneers last?

On average, up to 20 years, and with proper care and regular preventive examinations — up to 25 years.

The enamel is milled for a veneer. Won’t it make my teeth more sensitive?

In the first 10 days after having your veneers installed, you may feel soreness with hot/cold food and other stimuli. This goes away faster if you use special toothpaste for hypersensitive teeth.

If veneers darken over time, can they be whitened?

No, only plaque cleaning and polishing is possible. If you do this once every six months, there will be no need for whitening.