Root canal treatments
Dr. Tetri’s clinic provides endodontic treatment of the root canals under a microscope. We save the teeth that other clinics offer to extract. We are ready to take on the most difficult cases.
Root canals are cone-shaped cavities inside the root of the tooth with the apex at its upper part. The main root canal – which occupies the central position – forms a system of branches at the level of the apical foramen. Premolars, as a rule, have one or two canals. Molars have three or four canals. They contain the pulp, as well as blood vessels.
![root canals](
Poor-quality dental root canal filling leads to the development of inflammatory complications and then to extraction. Root canal treatment should be done by experienced professionals only!
- Pulpitis
- Periodontitis
- Cysts/granulomas.
![Root canal treatment](
Root canal treatments: Price
Dr. T. Cem Sayin
- Graduated in Endodontics from Nova Southeastern University
- Previous head and a faculty member of the endodontics department at NSU
- Published numerous scientific articles
Stages of a root canal treatment
A microscope is used for precision manipulation at all stages.
The tooth is isolated with a dental dam retractor. Then, under local anesthesia, Dr. Sayin drills out the infected tissue and opens access to the root canals.
He extracts the nerve with a special tool and cleans the root canals of pulp residue and bacteria.
Using K-files, he determines the length of each canal individually.
If the root canal is under- or over-filled, it will lead to complications. Therefore, the doctor needs to determine the length of each canal in the tooth as accurately as possible!
Using counter-angles with ProFiles, he expands the root canal and removes all constrictions and irregularities.
The risk of breaking off a piece of the file (which would eventually lead to re-inflammation inside the tooth) is virtually eliminated because the counter-angle has a micromotor. The machine stops the movement of the tool if there is a threat of breakage.
Why do we use a dental microscope
High-quality endodontic treatment is impossible without a dental microscope. That’s why at Dr. Tetri’s clinic, we use The Global A-Series™ Dental Microscope. It allows us to be microscopically accurate and:
- Remove only the decay-affected tissues even in the most hard-to-reach places, preserving healthy tissues
- Treat canals of complex shape (tortuous, with a strong bend) without the risk of root perforation
- Fill the root canal exactly to the apex
- Restore the anatomical shape of the tooth.
The doctor performs all manipulations after administering an injection of local anesthesia. The patient does not feel any pain.
If the canals are properly filled, the tooth will last more than 20 years.
Yes, we re-do endodontic treatment for patients with a punctured tooth wall or a tool fragment lodged in the root canal. We will help you save a tooth from extraction.